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In September 2023, we started off the WaterSmart Golf project as part of our Project-Based Learning (PBL) course. Our goal was to come up with innovative and sustainable ways to manage water on golf courses in Lisbon. Our team is a diverse group, with members from three different continents and studying three different majors: Isaac Vélez, Jolina Öhrke, Angela Gakuru, and Louisa Horras. This diversity in experience and view- points gave us a well-rounded perspective on the project. After inspiration-, ideation- and implementation phases, we hosted our webinar that became a cornerstone of this project. This event helped share knowledge and raise awareness about water sustainability in the golf industry. But we're not stopping there—we're still working on more ways to achieve self-sustainability, including this website for anyone who wants to continue this initiative!

Team Members (Roles and Contributions)

Backgrounds and Experiences of Each Member

  • Isaac is from Medellín, Colombia, studying Data Science and Business Analytics. During high school, Isaac was engaged in the school's robotics team, offering materials and financial support to students who were unable to afford the material they needed in order to engage in robotics. The students were then able to join Isaac’s team to be able to become creative and innovative to learn new skills. Isaac was able to use his skills to develop an App for a person with a mental illness in order to be more sustainable and to keep his job, making Isaac the winner of the 2023 Forward College social impact award.
  • Jolina is from Hamburg, Germany, studying International Relations and Politics. She organized and hosted a debate between politicians of Germany's parties for students to learn about their opportunities and responsibilities as first- voters. She led working groups concerning environmental impacts, time witness events and the implementation of annual charity events. With a working group in her school, she implemented an educational system on social courage and inclusivity campaigns, later receiving certification and joining Germany’s biggest network on this matter. Today, Jolina is part of the European Parliament of Democracy and the HELP program of the Council of Europe. -
  • Angela is from Nairobi, Kenya, studying Business and Management. Angela and her friends brought an initiative to life that supports and inspires Maasai women and girls in rural areas to stay in the education systems. With the help of NGOs and more experts, the working group is aiming to prevent the early leave of school seen in many young women in these areas due to early marriages being promoted in the Maa culture. The initiative also focuses on providing sanitary products donated by the government and other donors. It also supports education on this topic, as well as teachings in sexology, empowering young women.
  • Louisa is from Frankfurt, Germany, studying Business and Management. During her time in high school, she spent one year abroad in Canada, enriching her knowledge on different cultures and international environments. Before joining Forward College, Louisa was part of a jury team, supporting and analyzing new sustainable startup- initiatives, fostering innovation and the awareness of eco- friendly initiatives. Additionally, she was also part of a founding team of a start- up, focussing on sustainable and reusable packaging for delivery services. She also volunteered in church services, supervising and taking care of the local children.